You no longer have to use precious hours researching and reading online comparison charts about countless arbitrary solutions that will only put a band-aid on your software needs. Let us eliminate the madness.
Services & Expertise
Our work covers the full technology spectrum, from developing custom solutions, to enhancing existing technologies, to delivering third-party solutions and providing full integration services.
We can build any web-based solution that you and your team could possibly need. We possess a wide range of development experience to include Microsoft.NET, Ruby on Rails, NodeJs, Python, and React. We are also familiar with all major RDBMS and noSQL database platforms.
Solution Development Beliefs
Whether we’re building a new application or rebuilding an existing enterprise system, we draw inspiration from the same set of technology management tenets.
1) Create business-aligned technology. Too often, we see projects start without a clear business goal that the technology supports. Unlike most, we have a vision for business and want to ensure your IT investment enables and achieves your business objectives
2) Data drives our decision-making. At Brightech, we’re driven by data. It’s just how we’re built. Technology investments are no different from other investments. Clear success metrics set at the outset are critical to reaching the right outcomes.
3) Change is inevitable and predictable. Changing IT demands are a fact of life. We strive to formulate a technology strategy that assumes change in your technology demands. Across enterprises worldwide, organizations are changing the way you consume technology from in-house managed solutions to largely Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. Successful technology development includes service delivery architectures that can flex with changes in service demand.